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Professional Development Resources

This guide intends to support teacher growth and development by offering a range of resources for independent and group exploration.

Student-Centered Teaching & Learning

Literary Charades

L10 students in Aninne Schneider and Ilkay Sevimli's classes play charades together on the Hillside playground to recap scenes from their year of English Class.

Commons Lesson

Lise Prep students gather in the Commons for a lesson from Pierre Ringwald. Photo by Narciso Arguelles.

Group Panel Analysis - Lise Prep

Lise Prep students work together to analyze several panels from American Born Chinese, their first full length text of the year.

IEMP Collaboration

L12 students collaborate on their IEMP presentation. Photo by Esin Pulanthaneli.

Analyzing Poetry

Online L9 students analyze the contrast between the poet and the daffodils in Wordsworth's poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud". Their choice of approach was either graphing, writing, or creating an artistic rendition.