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Citation Guide / Kaynakça Rehberi: Citation Guide / Kaynakça Rehberi

Citation and Reference Guides / Kaynakça Rehberi

Robert College uses MLA citation conventions for all work. The resources below will help you create your Bibliography / Works Cited. 

Citing Images in a Presentation

How to Cite photographs or other images in a PowerPoint presentation or other Web Project

Cite an image used in a PowerPoint presentation or Web project the same way you would cite it in a printed paper. 

  • If the image is just for illustration, create a caption with the full publication details.  If there is no title, create one by describing the image.  If the URL is really long, use a URL shortener.
Image from a Website Creator’s Last Name, First Name. "Title of Photo/Image." Title of Website, Publisher, Date of Publication, URL. Date of Access. 
Image from Instagram Account holder’s Last Name, First Name or Username. "Title of Photo/Image or Description." Instagram, Other Contributors, Date Photo was published, URL.  Date of Access
Image In-Hand Creator’s Last Name, First Name. Title of Photo/Image. Date
  • If you refer to the image in the presentation, the caption should provide only enough detail needed to link to a Works Cited on the last slide.

Fig. 1 Carole Raddato, the Temple of Athena, Polinas, Priene, Turkey

Works Cited

Raddato, Carole. "The Temple of Athena, Polinas, Priene, Turkey". Flckr,,  Apr. 19, 2011. Accessed 24.09.2019.

NoodleTools - Citation Generator Software

We recommend students to use NoodleTools, a software that helps you cite sources, take notes, create outlines, collaborate with classmates, and format and print your Works Cited. 

Citation - A Brief Introduction

Robert College Honor Code / Robert Kolej Etik Tüzüğü

Here are copies of the RC Honor Code in English and Turkish.  The pledge is also here.

Robert Kolej Etik Tüzüğü İngilizce ve Türkçe olarak burada yer almaktadır. Ayrıca taahhütnameye buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.


Parenthetical Citations / Metin İçi Kaynak Gösterimi

In MLA style, referring to the works of others in your text is done by using what is known as parenthetical (in-text) citation. This method involves placing relevant source information in parentheses after a quote or a paraphrase.

MLA Intext Citation: Overview

Quoting and Paraphrasing in MLA Format Video Course Quiz: When and How to Paraphrase

Take the quiz

AI Generative Tools (e.g. ChatGPT)

MLA citation style for Artificial Intelligence (Paraphrased Text, Quoted Text, Creative Visual Works) 

NoodleTools provide templates for citing materials produced using ChatGPT or Other AI resources. Open the link for the instruction.

Be completely transparent and always reference/cite when you use AI. 

Warning: You may be tempted to use ChatGPT for school work, however keep in mind that it may not provide accurate or reliable information.  It makes things up, including sources! It's important to critically evaluate the responses generated by ChatGPT and to use it only as a supplement to other research tools and sources.

Is this Plagiarism? / Bu intihal midir?

This is a fun activity - a self-assessment quiz about plagiarism. This lesson will help you to distinguish between ethical use of information and plagiarism.